Desaray S. Ross Desaray S. Ross

Breaking Free: Overcoming Generational Barriers to Homeownership

She was raised in a home that undervalued the responsibility of homeownership. Not because they wanted to though, but because the generational lack of education followed them like the plague. Growing up, what was most important to her parents was the mere ability to keep a roof over their children’s heads. Making sure they had hot water to bathe with, clean clothes to wear each day, lights for them to be able to see with so they were not living in darkness and food to be able to place on the table each night. With the family having only one income, and struggling to provide just the bare minimum, homeownership seemed to be out of reach for them, so putting the energy forth to reach an “unattainable” accomplishment was never even an option…

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Desaray S. Ross Desaray S. Ross

Spring Listing Home Prep Calendar

Springtime is one of, if not the most popular time for the Real Estate market. Seller’s homes are springing (pun intended) up on the market left and right and buyers are on the hunt more now than ever, for an array of reasons. Take a look inside to grab a copy of the 30-day Listing Prep Spring-Cleaning Calendar.

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Desaray S. Ross Desaray S. Ross

Real Estate: The Emotional Transaction

The act of purchasing and/or selling Real Estate is often referred to as “The Largest Purchases of Your Life” hinting at the heavy weight that it carries financially. But what is often left for one to discover is the emotional impact that this journey can take a person/couple on. Please note, that this journey is not just limited to the individuals that are buyer and selling the property - it also carries a significant emotional heaviness for the Real Estate Agents, Lenders and other entities that may be involved. Here’s how.

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